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Group project for ART 336, a mockup smartphone app. (October - November 2022)

For our third project in my interactive design class, our assignment was to create a smartphone app. Although this was a daunting task, it was a group project, taking a lot of stress away. My group members and I came up with the idea for a reminder app which would help the hypothetical user stay organized by keeping all their reminders in one spot. We named this app Nudge and decided on a soft, gentle color palette.

Over the course of the project, we split up the work and gave ourselves different roles while implementing interactivity in XD. We all came together in the end for some final tweaks and debugging. The first image is a style tile I designed with our initial concepts in mind. The second image is a closer look at the different versions of the logo I came up with, and the final image is a wireframe of the app.

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