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Final project for ART 431, an animated title sequence for a film. (October-December 2022)

The purpose of a film’s title sequence is not only to inform, but also to engage with the viewer through an emotional response. The information is presented in the credits themselves: the director, the producer, actors, and so on. Although it’s necessary to present the names of those who worked on the film, the audience might get bored if they have to watch a few minutes of just names and roles. In order to alleviate this problem, title sequences display credits in some sort of visually-engaging theme that fits with the style of the movie. In the case of the movie Uncharted, the production companies are shown at the very beginning. They each have their own short animation and are played one after the other. I remember watching it in theaters and feeling bored, just waiting for the movie to start. In this project, I composed the most important credits into one sequence that sets the tone for the movie as well as transitioning into the first scene seamlessly.

Uncharted tells the story of a thrilling, treasure-hunting adventure. The movie has its share of high-stakes action and intense situations, but isn’t completely serious. It has some comedic and lighthearted moments as well. I wanted to reflect this with the music I chose. The music has a grandiose feeling, especially when the title appears, but doesn’t end up sounding too dark and serious. As for the visual aesthetic, I knew from the beginning that I would go with a parchment and ink theme. The film features an old journal with similarly-yellowed paper and ink. In the games the movie is based on, journals and maps are even more prevalent, with the main character carrying a journal of his own. The font I decided on was that of the franchise’s logo. I liked its cleanliness and heavier weight, and felt it really stood out on the map texture. Finally, I ended the sequence on the shot of the ring. I did this because I wanted an interesting transition into the movie’s opening, as well as focus on an instantly recognizable object for Uncharted fans.

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